Oct 3, 2023
Dominic Rivard

Train, Pack, Ride: Preparing for your Epic Bikepacking Adventure – Part 2

This is part 2 of our series on getting yourself ready for that long-distance bikepacking or bike touring adventure you have always dreamed of doing. If you missed part 1, make sure you read this first. A bikepacking adventure is on your bucket list, and you have dreamed of it long enough. Now it’s time to get ready for it! 

In this second installment, we will cover nutrition, mental preparation, and a more detailed progressive training regimen. Our third and final section next week will explore rest and recovery, proper gear, specific techniques depending on the terrain ahead, and getting involved in a cycling community for extra inspiration.

Let’s dive in and continue on our journey to get ready for the trip of a lifetime.

3. Nutrition and Hydration for Long Rides

Proper nutrition and hydration are not just cornerstones of general well-being; they have a profound impact on the performance, recovery, and overall experience of a cyclist, especially during bikepacking. The unique nutritional demands that long-distance cycling poses require a keen understanding and careful balancing of both macronutrients and micronutrients. This ensures sustained energy levels and the body's optimal functioning during these strenuous activities.

Carbohydrates and Their Significance: Carbohydrates stand out as the body's primary energy source, especially during extended rides. When we consume carbohydrates, our body breaks them down into glucose, which directly fuels our muscles. Optimal sources of carbohydrates include whole grain pasta, brown rice, quinoa, and fruits such as bananas and berries. Energy bars and granola are also excellent sources to consider. For the best results, one should consume a carbohydrate-rich meal about 2–3 hours before setting off. If your ride spans beyond 90 minutes, it's wise to ingest between 30-60g of carbohydrates every hour.

The Role of Proteins: Proteins are paramount for muscle repair and recovery after your ride. They play an essential role in preventing muscle wasting, especially during prolonged endurance activities. Ideal protein sources encompass lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds, and even protein shakes. After finishing your ride, a protein-rich meal can significantly aid in a swift recovery. If you're engaged in particularly long riding sessions, consuming small amounts of protein can be advantageous.

Understanding Fats in Cycling: For rides that stretch over several hours, the body naturally turns to its fat reserves for energy. Hence, ensuring you have a reasonable fat intake is crucial. Among the best sources of healthy fats are avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish varieties like salmon. To make the most of fats as an energy source, integrate them into your meals in the days leading up to your ride.

Electrolytes: More than Just a Buzzword: Electrolytes, like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, are indispensable for muscle functionality and play a significant role in preventing muscle cramps. As we engage in strenuous activity and sweat, we lose these vital nutrients, emphasizing the need for their replenishment during extended rides.

Electrolyte tablets and sports drinks are excellent sources. Alternatively, natural foods like bananas offer potassium, while salted nuts can provide much-needed sodium. On hot days or during rides exceeding an hour, it's beneficial to consider an electrolyte source every 30–60 minutes.

Staying Hydrated: Hydration cannot be overemphasized. A mere 2% reduction in body weight due to fluid loss can detrimentally impact performance. Keeping hydrated ensures the maintenance of blood volume, efficient body cooling, and proper muscle function. While plain water is adequate for shorter rides, isotonic sports drinks are invaluable for longer sessions as they replenish both essential electrolytes and fluids. A general rule of thumb is to begin your ride in a well-hydrated state and aim for 500–750 ml (17–25 oz) of fluid intake every hour, adjusting based on external conditions and personal sweating rates.

Considering Supplements: For cyclists pushing their limits, certain supplements might come in handy to boost performance or enhance recovery. Caffeine, for instance, has been noted to augment endurance. BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) are recognized for aiding muscle recovery. However, it's always advisable to speak with your doctor before adding any supplements to your regimen.

Tackling Nutrition During Multi-Day Bikepacking: Long-distance trips drastically hike up daily caloric demands. Depending on several factors such as the intensity of the ride, the terrain, and individual metabolism, cyclists might find themselves needing between 3,000 to 6,000 calories a day, sometimes even more. It's imperative to plan meals to ensure a harmonious balance of macronutrients. Keeping handy snacks, like nuts, dried fruits, energy gels, or bars, is wise for sustenance between meals. Pre-packaged freeze-dried meals can also offer convenience for those on extended tours.

Understanding and applying proper nutrition and hydration strategies becomes crucial to optimizing performance, safeguarding oneself, and elevating the entire bikepacking experience. Being informed about what to consume, when, and in what quantities can spell the difference between a taxing journey and a thrilling odyssey.

4. Mental Preparation and Coping with Challenges on the Road

Bikepacking stands at the intersection of adventure, strenuous physical activity, and the unpredictable elements of the great outdoors. More than just a test of physical endurance, it challenges the mind, often requiring a degree of mental toughness equal to the physical demands of the journey. The way one's mind is prepared can spell the difference between yielding to challenges and surmounting them, turning potential obstacles into cherished memories.

Setting Clear Expectations is an essential first step. At its core, bikepacking is a dance of unpredictability. While the allure of adventure draws many to the road, it's crucial to understand that not everything will unfold as envisioned. Moreover, the physical demands of bikepacking, ranging from fatigue and muscle soreness to sporadic blisters, are part and parcel of the experience. By anticipating these discomforts, you're less likely to be caught off guard when they arise.

Visualization plays a crucial role in mental preparation. It involves immersing oneself in the mental imagery of success, be it navigating winding trails, setting up camp under the stars, or tackling unforeseen challenges head-on. Such visual exercises not only foster confidence but also mentally equip the rider for analogous real-world situations. Additionally, reflecting on and drawing inspiration from past triumphs, whether from previous rides or life in general, can serve as a beacon of hope and motivation.

Incorporating a Growth Mindset into one's approach can dramatically alter the bikepacking experience. Instead of shying away from challenges or dreading potential setbacks, view them as invaluable learning opportunities. Every hiccup on the road, rather than being a source of dismay, can be a lesson that shapes future rides.

Mental Endurance goes hand-in-hand with its physical counterpart. Bikepacking is not a sprint but a marathon, emphasizing the journey's significance over the destination. Cultivating patience is essential, allowing riders to appreciate the natural beauty surrounding them and to recognize when it's time to rest and rejuvenate. Furthermore, practices like mindfulness and meditation can be potent tools. They sharpen focus, temper anxiety, and fortify the mind, especially during the more trying segments of the ride.

Building and relying on a Support System can be invaluable. For those embarking on group rides, the collective experience can help share the mental burdens, turning challenges into shared stories of camaraderie. For solo riders, staying connected to loved ones or friends, keeping them updated about one's whereabouts and progress, can be an immense source of motivation.

Knowledge is a potent antidote to fear. By familiarizing oneself with the road ahead, understanding the landmarks, knowing where to find water, and anticipating potential challenges, the unknowns are reduced, bringing down anxiety levels. Further, honing essential skills like basic bike repairs, navigation techniques, and first aid can instill confidence, making the ride smoother.

A useful strategy is to Break Down the Challenge. Instead of viewing the bikepacking trip as one monolithic challenge, segmenting it into smaller, digestible sections can make the task less daunting. Each segment completed, be it reaching a landmark or navigating a particularly tough part of the road, becomes a small victory, a testament to one's perseverance.

Managing Fear and Anxiety is inevitable, given the unpredictable nature of bikepacking. Recognizing which fears are irrational and which merit genuine concern is vital. For example, the fear of getting lost, while valid, becomes less daunting when equipped with the right navigation tools. During moments of heightened anxiety, simple techniques like deep breathing can have a calming effect.

Staying Flexible is the hallmark of a seasoned bikepacker. Despite meticulous planning, unexpected challenges will invariably crop up. The ability to adapt, whether it means changing routes mid-journey or adjusting one's riding pace, can greatly enhance the overall experience. Furthermore, having backup plans, or a 'Plan B', ensures that unforeseen obstacles, like a sudden change in weather or a blocked roads, don't derail the adventure.

While the physical aspect of bikepacking is undeniably crucial, the mental dimension is of equal, if not greater, significance. By embracing challenges, remaining adaptable, drawing upon support systems, and practicing mindfulness, riders equip themselves mentally for the journey ahead. After all, the challenges faced and the manner in which they are overcome often become the most treasured memories of the trip.

5. Building A Progressive Training Plan

A progressive training plan stands as the cornerstone for anyone seeking to embark on a successful bikepacking journey. Its essence lies in its systematic approach, which incrementally ramps up both intensity and duration. Such a methodical increase allows the body to gradually acclimate to the rigorous demands of long-distance cycling. Moreover, it adeptly minimizes the potential risk of injury that can come from overexertion or inadequate preparation.

The first step in curating such a plan is to Define Your Goal. This involves getting a clear picture of the kind of adventure you're gearing up for. Start by determining the approximate distance you intend to traverse each day during your bikepacking expedition. The distance is only one piece of the puzzle. Equally important is understanding the kind of terrain you'll be up against.

For some, this might mean long stretches of flat landscapes, while others might be looking to navigate more undulating hilly terrain or even challenging mountainous regions. Beyond the daily distance and terrain, another crucial factor to consider is the overall duration of your trip. By pinpointing how many days you plan to be on this adventure, you can gain insights into the total length of training required and the optimal number of sessions to be included in your training plan.

Following the goal definition, the next essential component is the Baseline Assessment. This is where you gauge your starting point. Begin by honestly evaluating your current fitness level. This isn't about measuring up to seasoned riders, but understanding where you stand relative to your personal goals. Ask yourself questions like: Can I, at this moment, comfortably ride half of my intended daily distance? Could I push that to three-quarters?

This introspection helps set the stage for the trajectory of your training. Furthermore, it's not just about distance or stamina. It's equally essential to identify specific areas where you might need more dedicated focus. Some riders might realize they have the stamina but need to work on muscle strength. For others, flexibility might be the area that needs bolstering.

In essence, constructing a progressive training plan is a delicate balance of ambition and self-awareness. By defining clear goals and understanding one's starting point, a rider can chart a course that not only prepares them for the adventure ahead but does so in a manner that respects the body's limits and prioritizes safety.

Phases of Training:

Foundation Phase (Weeks 1-2): During the initial two weeks, the primary objective is to lay down a solid groundwork for the more intense sessions ahead. At this stage, the focus is predominantly on establishing a consistent cycling routine that integrates seamlessly into your daily or weekly schedule. It's crucial not to overextend yourself in this phase. Instead, commence your journey with rides that hover around the 50% mark of your intended daily target distance. This is about building stamina and getting accustomed to regular cycling. Additionally, it's imperative to recognize the value of rest. Incorporating designated rest days within this period is vital as it allows the muscles to recover, repair, and grow stronger in response to the exertion.

Build Phase (Weeks 3–4): As you transition into weeks three and four, it's time to start upping the ante. During the build phase, the objective is to progressively stretch your limits. To do this, aim to gradually augment your ride distances, reaching up to about 75% of your daily target. This phase also offers an opportunity to diversify your training landscape. If feasible, begin introducing varied terrain into your routine. This not only breaks the monotony but also provides valuable practice for the diverse terrain you'll encounter during your bikepacking adventure. Alongside this, now's the time to start fortifying those key muscle groups that play a pivotal role in cycling. Incorporate specific strength training exercises to bolster these muscles, ensuring they are up to the task ahead.

Peak Phase (Weeks 5–6): By the time you reach the peak phase, you're halfway through your training journey, and it's time to truly test your mettle. In these two weeks, set your sights on cycling distances that are either close to or meet your daily target. Emulating the actual conditions of your bikepacking trip is crucial. Therefore, introduce consecutive ride days to mimic the back-to-back cycling you'll undertake on the road. But it's not just about endurance; it's also about resilience and adaptability. Incorporate interval training sessions to introduce short, high-intensity bursts. This trains the body to cope with sudden increases in demand and improves overall cycling efficiency.

Taper Phase (Weeks 7-8): The final two weeks—the taper phase—is about fine-tuning and recovery. While you've been pushing your boundaries in the earlier stages, now it's time to scale back on the distance to stave off any potential fatigue. However, it's essential to maintain the intensity of your rides, ensuring your body remains in peak condition. This phase should also see a heightened emphasis on flexibility exercises, ensuring muscles remain limber and agile. Recovery, both physical and mental, becomes paramount. Given the proximity of your bikepacking adventure, it's an opportune time to fine-tune your nutrition and hydration strategies, ensuring you are well-fueled and hydrated for the expedition ahead.

Engaging in cross-training offers myriad advantages for those preparing for a bikepacking journey. This method of training not only amplifies overall fitness but also significantly minimizes the likelihood of overuse injuries. It also injects a dose of mental stimulation and variety into the training routine, breaking the monotony of only cycling. Swimming, jogging, and yoga stand out as prime examples of activities that can seamlessly complement and balance a dedicated cycling regimen.

As one shifts the lens towards strength and flexibility training, the emphasis inevitably falls on several crucial muscle groups. These encompass the core muscles, quads, hamstrings, calves, and, of course, the glutes. It's advisable to weave strength training into one's routine about 2 to 3 times a week, ensuring that different muscle groups are targeted to create a well-rounded fitness base. Post-ride stretching emerges as an invaluable habit. It not only bolsters flexibility but also curtails muscle soreness and augments the range of motion. For those keen on delving deeper into flexibility, practices like yoga or pilates present themselves as excellent avenues to explore.

To optimize the benefits of any training plan, regular monitoring and adjustments are paramount. It's beneficial to indulge in weekly introspection sessions. This could involve questioning oneself: Are the rides becoming more comfortable with time? Are there any nagging aches that persist or any new pains that emerge? Such reflection ensures one remains attuned to their body's signals. And when these signals point towards an anomaly or a need for change, it's crucial to act. If, for instance, one grapples with escalating fatigue levels, it might be prudent to intersperse an additional rest day into the schedule.

One can't emphasize enough the transformative power of a tailored, progressive training plan. Such a plan doesn't just physically prime an individual for the demands of bikepacking but also fortifies them mentally. With the right preparation, when challenges rear their heads on the road, a cyclist will find themselves brimming with the resilience, strength, and stamina to surmount them.

This concludes the second part of our guide to preparing for the bikepacking adventure of a lifetime. Stay tuned for the final installment that will cover rest and recovery, proper gear, specific techniques depending on the terrain ahead, and getting involved in a cycling community for extra inspiration.

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