The Cycle Touring Life Blog

The Overnight Bike Escape - Why a short escape is what you need now!

Written by Dominic Rivard | Jul 10, 2024 12:07:49 PM
Why a Short Bikepacking Trip Can Be Just as Rewarding as a Big One

Picture this: You have a couple of days off from work ahead of you, and you're eager to break free from your usual mundane routine. 

The weekend stretches out ahead of you with unlimited possibilities. Rather than resigning to screens and social media distractions, why not go on a little adventure? It's high time to experience the power of an overnight bikepacking excursion.

While we all fantasize about big, long-distance adventures, a short, local overnighter can be just as enjoyable and fulfilling. These micro-adventures, also known as “Sub 24-hour Overnighters” (S24Os), provide an opportunity to reconnect with nature, recharge our batteries, and enjoy the basic pleasures of life on two wheels.

In today's fast-paced, screen-driven society, it's all too easy to lose contact with nature. We are either tethered to our devices or constantly assaulted with distractions and incessant responsibilities. We wear down without a break in that routine. By escaping our urban environment, even for a night, we can rediscover nature's restorative power and reconnect to ourselves.

The appeal of an overnight bikepacking adventure stems from its simplicity. You don't need to plan weeks or months or need a lot of specialist equipment. With a few supplies packed in your bags, you can head out from your front door to find a peaceful area to pitch your tent under the stars.

One of the benefits of overnighters is that they may be tailored to your specific interests and location. Perhaps there's a remote meadow you've always wanted to camp in or a mountaintop with a spectacular sunrise. Keeping your experiences close to home optimizes your riding time while minimizing travel stress.

If you're new to bikepacking, an overnighter is an excellent way to start. You may hone your gear setup, practice your camping skills, and experience the freedom of biking. And if you're a seasoned veteran, an overnighter might allow you to see your local trails and backroads in a completely new light. Need gear? Check out what’s available at to get what you need to get going.

To ensure the success of your overnighter, keep things simple and tidy. Keep a "grab box" full of essential goods ready to go so you can hit the road at a moment's notice. And don't overthink the planning process; often the most memorable journeys are those that happen unexpectedly.

Many tools are available to help you plan your journey and find inspiration. There are great online databases of routes, including the Adventure Cycling Association's maps for suggestions. Don't underestimate the value of Google Earth for researching rural roads and hidden gems. However, knowledge of your surroundings is the best resource.

An overnight bikepacking trip involves more than just riding miles. It's an opportunity to slow down, admire your surroundings, and connect with your riding buddies (or enjoy some alone, if that's your preference). Enjoy a sunset, stargaze from your sleeping bag, or sip a morning coffee as mist rises from the valley below.

There is no need to worry about the inconvenience of cooking on the road. Sometimes, the most basic meals are the most fulfilling—consider packable sandwiches or a dependable bag of trail mix. If you're feeling particularly extravagant, treat yourself to a takeout supper on your way out of town. The goal is to make things stress-free and enjoyable.

Ultimately, the overnight bikepacking trip's power stems from its ability to renew and rejuvenate. By detaching from our regular lives and reconnecting with nature, we can gain perspective and purpose that will carry over into our daily lives.

So, grab your bike and bags and set out on a short adventure. Whether you're away for 24 hours or just one night, the benefits of an overnight stay are waiting to be revealed. With some forethought and an open mind, you will discover that the little trips are as meaningful as the big ones.